2020 Goals

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, a new decade is upon us, and the corny phrase of “you can start over and do whatever you want” is totally true. I don’t really believe in making resolutions since they so often revolve around impractical things that are not really going to happen or you will not really do. Setting goals and intentions are things you truly do want to accomplish and by writing them down, you can really start to make them happen. So, here are my 2020 goals!

Exercise at least 4 Days a Week- This is going to be a big one for me. I can’t do super intense workouts regularly without increasing my overall pain, but things like yoga and low-level barré classes always make me feel better. It is not about losing weight, just staying healthy and managing my pain. This was a goal last year for me as well, and I would say I halfway stuck to it. But maybe it was the baby step I needed to keep pushing myself this year.

Year of the Blog- Since I will be done with school in March, I will have a lot more time to work on this blog and create content for you all. I love writing here and sharing my outfits and opinions, and once school is over I will have a lot more time to do that. I also want to make more videos since you guys seemed to enjoy my last “Get Ready With Me”. I’ve got a lot of plans for this site and a lot of ideas I can’t wait to put into action! One of my goals last year was to get my first brand deal, and unfortunately, that did not happen. But! This year I grew my following, have gotten more traffic to my blog, and have been sticking to my posting schedule so much better. Hopefully, the work I have done this year will help me finally land my first brand deal. 

Save Money- I need to focus on saving. We are going to Europe in June and while I need to be saving for that, I also need to just be utilizing my savings account more. I don’t have a set goal for how much I want to save, but I just need to be putting more money away than I am spending. I do not want to stay in my college town any longer than necessary and relocation is never cheap. I am also going to need a new car sooner than later and it never hurts to just have a nest egg saved for an emergency. I also had better financial responsibility as a goal last year, and I did better than years before! But there is always room to grow. 

Be More Grateful- This is just a personal attitude change I want to work on. It is so easy for me to complain and throw a little fit when things get tough. A co-worker and I were talking about this the other day while we complained about the place we work at when she stopped and put into perspective how lucky we were. Sure, it’s not the greatest job in the world and we are not wealthy monetarily by any means, but we make rent every month and have food to eat every day. We are lucky enough to go to college (no matter how shitty our university system is), and lucky to complain about such small things. Life isn’t always perfect but it could always be worse and I need to work on being more grateful for the things I have. 

Quit Comparing Myself- Again, another attitude shift that needs to happen. I am graduating school almost two years late, and when I do I will not have a job in my field lined up (at least not as of right now). Most of my friends are graduated and onto grad school, prepping for grad school, or have jobs in their fields already. It is easy to look at all of this and think I am so far behind, but I am just doing things on my time, as I usually do. My goals are different than most people I know (like I would love to make a full time living off of my blog) and I am slowly but surely working through them. Comparison really is the thief of joy. 

Explore More- I will probably not live in Oregon forever. I am pretty sure I won’t. There are so many amazing things around me that I need to make sure I can get out and see as much of it as I can. Hikes, waterfalls, Mt.Hood and so much more that I have not taken the time to get out and go see. Last year I had said I wanted to get outside more (and I did!) but now I need to venture out a little further to see some other things. One of my goals last year was also to travel more and I am lucky enough to be heading to Europe in June 2020 for my cousin’s wedding! That will start that goal (a year later than intended) with a bang! 

This year I hope I can stick to my goals a little better and accomplish them more fully. Last year was the first time I made real goals set with intention, so I view it as a little bit of a trial run with this year being the year of putting my goals into action. 2020 is going to be the year for all of us, I have a good feeling about it!
