Hair Transformation

I have been trying to grow my hair out for a year. There was no reason behind this other than my cousin is getting married in June 2020 and I thought it would be fun to have long hair for that. Six months into that process however, I got extremely bored and started Pinteresting ideas to do with it. Since I never found the look that spoke to my soul and I didn’t want to cut it and regret it, I made it over a year of a growing it out. 

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That was the longest I have had my hair since high school. It was fun to grow it out and see it long again, but my hair is crazy thick. Like so thick if I even wear it half up/half down it gives me a brutal headache. This, on top of the fact that when it's long I have to get constant trims so that it doesn’t get so poofy it overtakes me, made me crazy daily when trying to deal with it. But like I said before, I hadn’t found the perfect cut and I wanted to love my hair since the past couple months had felt like one giant battle with it. Plus, my hair has kind of been my thing since high school. I have always done crazy things and taken risks with it, so having it long and its natural color just really didn’t feel like me. My job doesn’t allow for any crazy colored hair, and it is super healthy right now, so the coloring is on the back burner. But the cut….it was time to go in for a chop.


I was getting super restless and not finding any cut that I really loved. But then, a woman I follow on Instagram (Cristina Wolfgram) that I love, got a hair cut. And it was beautiful and amazing and I instantly knew I wanted something like that. I sent photos to my hairstylist and we made some tweaks on the idea and voila! My new favorite hairstyle I have ever had in my life. The second we saw the reveal of it all done and ready to go, we both were squealing and being obnoxious over how much we loved it. 

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It has been so much fun to style and change it up. All my clothing looks way better with this hair and I would argue so does my makeup. It is a feeling and confidence boost I didn’t even know I needed, but I am sure glad I have. Even though there have been some learning curves on how to style this hair cut, I have not once regretted getting it. I have mainly been keeping it curled/waved since that is what gives it that fun messy un-done look. A little texture spray and I am out the door! I absolutely love it and honestly cannot stop raving about how much more I feel like myself.


Hair by: Brittany Kovach