Get Ready With Me: Day-to-Night

Hello everyone! Apologies for the late post, but we are at the end of the quarter for school right now and things are crazy. With that being said, I do have a post for you today that I am pretty proud of! My video editing skills are still mediocre but hey, progress is being made.

A couple of days ago I put out a question on my Instagram asking if there was anything specific you all wanted to see from me. It was super helpful (which those things rarely are) and one of the most requested things was “get ready with me” style videos. This is my first stab at that and hopefully, you all like it. I decided to do a little day-to-night transition as I got ready for a friend’s party. The video below is my GRWM so please leave your comments below on what you think! I am open to learning and want you guys to enjoy the content I put out here! So please, let me know your thoughts below!

Products used:

Hair Spray- BigSexy Hair

Eyeliner- L’oreal

Lipstick- Limecrime

Top- Sold out, similar here
