Palm Springs Pink

This past weekend I was able to take a small vacation to the desert and the land of the sun to thaw out and relax from the frozen tundra that has been Oregon lately. I came back a little warmer, a little tanner, and with a cold, but it was all worth it. The sunshine and the palm trees are really where my creativity flourishes and I feel the most like myself there (even if I am so pale the light is bouncing off of me). This was a small fraction of the things I wanted to shoot in this beautiful place, but I had to make time for lots of cocktails and sunbathing in my short 72 hours there. I hope you enjoy these fun little photos I managed to capture of my favorite outfit I wore while in the sun.

Stay tuned for more photos like these as the weather heats up!

Thanks for reading:) I am toying around with some changes and writing less on the fashion posts, and maybe adding in a newsletter for more of my creative writing, more of the musings part of the title. What do we think? Let me know in the comments down below!


Shop this post:

Dress- Anna Nata

Sandals- Teeks

Bag- Chloe

Jacket- Dressed in Lala, sold out, similar here

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