Nowhere Near a Cowboy

When I got this shirt in my mystery Girl Dangerous bag, I didn’t really know what to do with it. I had liked every other top I had pulled out from the bag so far (minus one but four out of five isn’t bad!) and this one wasn’t bad, but I really had no clue what I was going to wear it with or how to style it at all. The other things I got from the mystery bag (these posts here, here, and here) were all very much my style and perfectly fit into my closet. This tee featured below, however, was definitely outside of my comfort zone and really didn’t mesh with the rest of my aesthetic. But I decided to keep it and use it as a challenge to get outside of my comfort zone! Plus if worst came to worst and I really didn’t like it I could sell it on my Depop later (linked down below). I am honestly pretty happy with how this outfit turned out! I really didn’t like layering it with sweaters or flannels so this will probably be a spring/summer top for me, but the way this ended up looking was a lot better than I thought it would be! And honestly had me feeling myself, not gonna lie.

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While doing anything with a western/country vibe is not my thing at all, this is simply a t-shirt with a woman sitting on a horse being lead by a cowboy and I probably shouldn’t have been so weirded out by this. Unless I am pairing a dark top with black jeans, I generally go for lighter denim to add some contrast to the out. The leather and the red boots also add to that kind of funky contrast of this outfit. I also would probably carry a fringe purse from Free People with this outfit to add a little bit more of a western vibe if I wanted.

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Casual chic is really my only my set style. Many other bloggers have much better style monikers and much more classically defined style (some of my favorites LeHappy, ColorMeCourtney, and Jaglever all have very noticeable styles) and I simply stay casual but dabble with several different vibes. This one is a step out of the comfort zone with the graphic, but the rest is very much a “me” outfit otherwise! Docs? Check. Leather jacket? Check. Distressed denim of some kind? Check! Oh and of course an absurd lip color, which I have lost a little over the last year because of covid. One day lipstick will be a thing again!!

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I know this was another shorter post, but it is sometimes more fun than the longer posts! Do you guys prefer longer or shorter posts? Let me know in the comments below, please! As always, thank you for being such a fun and supportive community, see you all Monday!


Shop this post:

Tee- Girl Dangerous

Jacket- Urban Outfitters, similar here

Skirt- Urban Outfitters, similar here

Boots- Dr. Martens