Quarantine Revelations

On Friday, I posted a photoshoot without writing a lot and explained how I was not doing overly well in quarantine last week. While things have not flipped around as it is only Monday, I have been doing a lot of writing and thinking and walking to try and clear my head to get ready for the week ahead. Maybe it is all that I did this weekend, maybe it is the fact I finally have a lead on a job, but I have come to some tiny revelations as I’ve been working through all of this. I know that everyone is struggling right now, and lord knows the internet needs a dose of realism on how people are doing and not just smiley, productive, and baking filled Instagram posts. I have been guilty of the smiling photos, but have been doing my best to stay as honest as possible during this time of such turmoil in this country. While all of the bad has been happening and through all of the anxiety, there have been a few tiny revelations I’ve come to during this time. So let’s dive in!

I can do a lot with very little. I am very lucky to have a family and boyfriend who have been helping me with my larger bills while all of this is going on since I am unemployed and was denied unemployment. All of my needs to live have been met and for that, I am incredibly grateful. When it comes to my creative outlets (blog, Youtube, photography) I have been struggling a little bit. I was saving up for a new camera when this all happened and my savings went to living expenses. I was hoping to get a camera that would have both better photo capabilities and video capabilities but that wasn’t an option. So instead of moping for too long, I figured out the best ways I can make the things I want without spending a dime. I already had a phone tripod and tiny ring light that has come in handy and has allowed me to take some awesome photos I have been daydreaming over. I watched a million iMovie tutorials on Youtube to learn how to do more fun things with it when editing my videos. Older iPhone (8) photos aren’t perfect but better than none at all, and I have found some new editing apps that make them look better! I have found all sorts of random things in my apartment that I have used to take more creative photos (like my bedsheets) and it has made me a stronger creator. 

On this same vein, I have learned to cook meals with the most random foods that are leftover. I am not a chef and will not be sharing any recipes since most of them were just happy accidents. However, at least I know I won’t starve in most circumstances. 

I am not as introverted as I thought. This is not to say that I am not introverted at all. Because  I am still pretty introverted. While I do have health issues that can make me stay home, and have been working and going to school full time over the past few years, I have often chosen not to go and be around any people for really no real reason except for that I just decided that being introverted meant disliking people. While I still value my alone time and will continue to value it, I will enjoy the times I get to leave my apartment so much more now. Being introverted is mainly just needing time to rest and recharge my batteries after being around a lot of people; it is not an excuse to choose not to go out for any number of normal reasons. 

There is nothing wrong with no wanting to do something. This kind of ties in with the previous one, but I am guilty of doing that thing where I pretend I have something else to do so I hang up the phone or not have to take a FaceTime. Being at home 24/7 pretty much means there is nothing else that any of us are doing so if I don’t want to talk on the phone or FaceTime, I just actually have to say so. I feel like we are all getting real honest in isolation. Anyone else?

I have not been taking advantage of being young. This is the last and perhaps most important one of all. While being young is only a small part of it, it mainly has to do with the fact that I am not tied down to anything. While I would love to have my foot in the door somewhere with my dream carer and starting to make moves in that direction, once I have that dream career traveling will be harder. I have no career, no house, not married, no kids, not even a phone or car payment right now. Nothing is tying me down and preventing me from being able to do more things that I love and go travel. School also inhibited this a little since I was one of the only college kids I knew who could not juggle fun and school at the time, but with that done it allows that much more time to get out and enjoy life. Hiking, weekend trips, trips to the other side of the world, and so many other things are now possible (once the world opens back up). I haven’t been living my life to the fullest in any capacity and being stuck in my apartment has made me realize how important that is. 

Thanks for making it to the bottom of this one! I’ve got some more fashion content coming this week for you guys, but in the meantime, comment down below any quarantine revelations you have had!


Cover image found here. No, it has nothing to do with quarantine, but I liked it and I have decided that’s enough for this post.