Body Skin Care

Happy Monday everyone! Not that days of the week really matter anymore, and everyday kind of feels like Monday these days, but for everyone who still has a job happy Monday! I am coming at you today with a post all about skincare for the skin that is not on your face: the entire rest of your body. We always treat the skin on our faces with the utmost care and delicacy and develop multi-step routines around it, but the majority of the skin we possess is not on our faces. While this seems like a pretty obvious statement, most of us just slap on whatever boy wash we can find, sometimes apply lotion, and call it a day. I was also one of those people until the last year or so when I heard of a brand called Nécessaire. Now, this brand is not preaching anything new, but they are drawing attention to the fact that we do not take care of the skin on the rest of our bodies nearly well enough. Now I would love to be writing a whole review post on the products Nécessaire sells, but since I am unemployed currently and haven't had the means to purchase any of them yet, (but am keen to try it so stay tuned for that) I have developed my own little routine with products that are a lower price point to be purchased by anyone. Keep scrolling to find out!


Just like with the skin on your face, you need to be regularly exfoliating your body to achieve maximum smooth skin. I have incredibly dry skin, especially on the backs of my arms, and using this stuff makes all the difference. This is my preferred scent but they offer a wide range of scents, all with the same amazing components. the sugar crystals that do the actual exfoliating dissolve as you scrub and are gentle enough that if you have sensitive skin, it shouldn’t irritate it. I use this about 3 times a week in the winter when my skin is the dryest, and once a week or so in the summer when it is a little less dry. A little goes a long way, and you will definitely notice a difference.

Body Wash

This is one I have been using for several years and have never felt the need to change it up. They have recently re-done their formula to make each body wash more natural and nourishing and it shows. This one is my favorite and seems to help my dry skin most (plus the smell is delightful) but the oatmeal and shea butter one is also great for dry skin. For some reason, the coconut water is just what my skin needs. This is also a great body wash because it never makes your skin feel like it is being stripped of anything or like it is getting overly dried. It feels so soft and lovely afterward that you don’t feel like you need lotion, but put it on anyway.

Acne Wash

I have been super lucky to not get bad acne on my face, but I do get backne year-round. My upper back is always dotted with zits and I have tried multiple different kinds of acne-fighting body wash that have only given me allergic reactions and tiny burns. However, using this face wash on my upper back every time I shower has solved my whole problem. It cleared up my backne in a few weeks and has kept it healthy and totally clear!


I have never used a better razor. Dry skin and sensitive skin results in a lot of razor burn for me, but since I started using this razor I haven’t had any issues. Plus it always gives a super close shave and makes my legs feel smoother after I shave them.

This is another staple to getting rid of razor burn. It has skin calming agents in it that help while you shave and moisturize after the fact. My legs have gotten so much softer just from using this instead of other generic shaving creams.


This lotion combined with the scrub from the beginning has given me the softest skin I will probably ever be able to have. If you take nothing else from this post, get a body scrub a lotion this lotion. Burts Bees is an amazing company that uses only natural ingredients and has amazing results.

I hope this was helpful for you guys! Nothing like self-care in time of uncertainty to get you through each day.
