Stay Home Style

While this isn’t the way I usually choose to do shoots, there is no way to get outside safely right now, and it was snowing too hard to shoot on the deck. So the bed seemed like the next best option since I have been spending a lot of my time here in it. While staying with my mom during quarantine, there have been many times I have needed some space and time to myself. As crazy as I am going being inside all of the time, it is extremely irresponsible to leave your house. If you need some space from your quarantine buddies, follow these tips to get some much needed alone time in your isolation.

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First things first, tell your housemates that you need some alone time and should only be disturbed if someone dies or is seriously injured. Everyone needs time to themselves especially when everyone is working from home and not leaving to get space during the day. Even if they can’t articulate it, everyone needs space and some times to themselves while all of this goes on. So draw some boundaries and take an hour or more to yourself.

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Second, you will need some tasks to do while in your alone time. It is a perfectly fine option to watch a tv show or a movie, but I’m assuming this far into quarantine most of us are over the whole Netflix binge thing. So my suggestion is to make this a time of relaxation; pop on a podcast and do some coloring. Listen to some music and enjoy a magazine. Most magazines in print right now are from before the virus and the global pandemic issue was real, so they are full of other content that allows you to escape for a little bit. I have subscriptions to some, but you can also view a great deal of content online or pick one up next time you have to stop through the grocery store to pick up some groceries.

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Lastly, the thing that we all need to remember in this time of quarantine, taking time alone or not, is that putting on real pants can have a true mood-boosting effect. Leggings and sweats are fine for a while but you will start to feel like a weird pseudo version of yourself if you don’t get a little ready sometimes. So put on some jeans, comfy linen pants, a sundress, whatever it may be, to get you out of your sweats. Put a pair of jeans and then sit back on your bed if you must. Those jeans haven’t been outside in days (hopefully) and so sitting on the bed in them is totally sanitary and potentially needed.

I know we are all getting stir crazy and feeling like we are going insane, but the better we all stay put and listen to the social distancing guidelines, the sooner we can all get out of here. The more we all go to public spaces and interact with the others, the longer we will have to stay in quarantine. So sit tight, color, take space when you need it, and only leave the house when necessary. We will get through this together.


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Hoodie- Adidas, similar here

Jeans- American Eagle, similar here

Socks- Bombas, similar here