Over Winter

February in the PNW is incredibly horrible. It has already been freezing since October and it is raining/snowing every day. I walked to class this morning and I didn’t have feeling in my nose for at least an hour afterward. Why is this how the world works? Why does it have to be so cold?

Anyway, I didn’t gather you all here to listen to me complain about the cold. I just felt like it was important to preface that with the photos that you are about to scroll through. See, since it has been cold for 6 years already, my winter fashion is starting to get so boring and I am so bored with my options. Please enjoy this look because it is one of my favorite go to’s, but just know the creativity is reaching a bit of a low point.

Photos by: Kevin Hill

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I got these leggings…5 years ago? Maybe longer? And they have held up amazingly. I wear them so often during the winter and they go with so many things. Graphic tees, hoodies, and you can dress them up a little by adding the sweater. The sweater is a long time favorite too. It’s cozy, it’s easy to dress up or down, and it matches everything!

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I have written love songs to my glitter Doc Martens and my leather jacket, and this is no different. When you live in colder climates, there is a very small window in which you can wear a leather jacket and not freeze to death. After living in the PNW for over half of my life, the line between freezing and “I just want to wear my leather jacket” has become increasingly blurry.

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Before everyone gets upset, I do know that PNW winters are mild compared to places like the Midwest. I have a friend who lives in Minnesota and often posts about how -3 is going to be a warm-up from where they have been. I lived in Chicago for one winter, and I lived in North Idaho for 9 years; I know what true cold is. But, in Oregon when it has been rainy and cold for 4 months, and I have to walk around in it often to get to and from class, 32 degrees feels like 4. The wardrobe frustration also probably comes from the fact that I need to just refresh the winter part of it. Most of my winter clothing items I have had for 4 years or more (oops), which is really just proof I need to live somewhere warmer because I am always drawn to summery, even spring, clothing.

That’s all for today! I have two posts coming for you next week and some videos in the works! Stay tuned!:)


Shop this post:

Sweater- Urban Outfitters, similar here

Jacket- Urban Outfitters

Leggings- Tilly’s, similar here

Boots- Doc Martens, similar here