Whats Worth the Splurge: Fashion

Hello guys! This week we are back with another splurge post, but this time all about clothes! Keep scrolling to dive in.

Lowest Price Point- This is where you can buy the basics of your wardrobe. The price point here is $1-$20 here, with maybe a little wiggle room. Your little camisole tank tops that go under other things, the white t-shirt everyone should have, your pair of crappy rubber flip-flops you only wear to the lake, socks, underwear, and pajamas. All of these things are the little pieces of your wardrobe that are not worth hundreds of dollars. Even underwear from Victoria Secret (and bras) can be purchased on sale. These are your basics that you can purchase for less and still get great quality items. Target makes great basics and they last forever. You do not need to be spending more than $20 (or even less) on a basic t-shirt.

Middle Price Point- Middle range is where you should be buying the bulk of your clothing. This is the $20-$120. Again there is some wiggle room here and things can be a little more or less depending on the item. You want to be buying your everyday clothes at this price point. Jeans, tops, sweaters, sneakers, work clothes, and anything else that you incorporate into your daily style. By purchasing things at a slightly higher price point, you are guaranteeing that they will last a little longer. In makeup, it isn’t true necessarily, but in fashion, the price of the garment almost always reflects its quality. It costs more to make, so you have to pay more to purchase. I also would say to not be afraid to spend a little extra on a pair of jeans. Jeans can take you far and if you buy a great pair you can wear them for years. I would also say more accessories should be purchased in this price range as well to ensure they won’t fall apart on your first wear. 

Highest Price Point- This is anything above about $150. If you can afford to always shop at this price point, more power to ya. But since most of you reading this are on a  budget, here is what should be purchased here: anything you wear super often and need to last a long time. This is where you should be buying your winter coats, boots, and work shoes. Things that you will be putting a lot of wear on and wearing all the time and that you need to last for a long time. If you love to hike and camp, this is where you should be purchasing from. Any activity, for that matter, that requires certain clothing should be purchased at this point so it lasts as long as possible. This is also the price point most people purchase their glamour pieces from; by this I mean the pieces they have fallen in love with (like a designer bag) and then save up for in order to get. I bought a Free People backpack for myself last year after lusting after it for about 3 years. It defiantly fell in this category and I am so glad I took the time to save up for it. The pieces you love and save for also do not have to serve a super practical function in your life if you don’t need them to. It could be a fancy dress you only wear for certain occasions, a great pair of heels you don’t wear every day, a bedazzled bomber jacket, anything you want it to be. But also take the time to save up and make sure that you can pay your bills and feed yourself before you buy this item. It’s all about planning. This is for the things that you need to do a lot of work, and for your splurge items. There is no need to buying all of your clothing at this price point. 

As always, I am grateful for all you lovely’s that tune in and read every time I post! have an amazing week!
