Outfit Repeater

I love shopping. I love getting new pieces for my wardrobe and creating new outfits and trying out new styles. It is one of my favorite things to do and why I started blogging. But as a part-time restaurant employee and a full-time student, I have very little money to spend on new clothes. A lot of my shopping is saving up for one piece I really love and then reworking the pieces I already have to make new outfits from them. In the general world (and especially the blogging world) repeating outfits or outfit pieces online is a huge faux pas. On top of my not being able to afford new clothing every time I post, the US alone throws away 81 pounds of clothing every year, making up about 85% of landfill waste (Sunday Evening Post). I do my best to give you guys new looks and link the pieces I use in my posts, but it is time to normalize outfit repeating. 

Photos by: Kevin Hill

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I posted about this same sweater almost a year ago when I first purchased it. I wore it with a very different outfit, in a very different setting. It is still one of my favorite sweaters I wear regularly, but as I said, I love styling new outfits! Being on a budget means re-working the pieces I already have into something new. This sweater is comprised of darker tones, so I have typically paired it with a lighter wash pair of jeans to balance that out. But, since when have I ever shied away from all dark ensemble?

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I added my go to leather jacket to add some edge, my favorite black skinny jeans, and my vans over converse this time, and included my new favorite bag. Also my doing the shoot in a more urban setting instead of a park, it helped to add the extra edge I was looking for. Plus everything is more fun with my new bangs!

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I have worn this pair of jeans, jacket, and shoes in so many other posts and I have read a million “how to become a full-time blogger” posts that say not to repeat outfits. But ya know what? The average blog readers are between 19-32. My audience is between 19-25. All of these age groups tend to be young professionals, in college, working more than one job, struggling to pay rent, young parents or all of these things combined. That demographic, my demographic, doesn’t have money to throw at new pieces for the closet every week. It is time to make outfit repeating cool, and I intend to do that. Stay tuned for double featuring pieces.


Shop this post:

Sweater- Dressed In Lala. Sold out, similar here

Jeans- Thrifted

Jacket- Urban Outfitters

Shoes- Vans

Bag- Free People