Fashionista on a Spending Freeze

I am going on a spending freeze. Yes, you read that right. Little miss fashion blogger is going on a spending freeze in order to save up for my first apartment. That means no unnecessary spending, which means for me, no more shopping. Now, I am truly not an insane shopper and crazy spender. But I rarely tell myself no when I find clothing I like or something I have been looking for for awhile. I have a pretty set style in the kinds of things I like, but I also like to freshen things up and add in new pieces probably too often. Part of this is because I love clothes and style, and part of this is because I 100% use retail therapy as a valid form of making myself feel better. So! Below I have outlined some tricks I am using, and will be using to keep my spending down (or non existent) and how to keep things feeling new and keep wearing outfit combinations I haven’t yet. If you are thinking of also cutting down on your spending, try some of these!

Clean out the Closet: This is the first thing you have to do. Clean out your closet, your dresser, your shelves, anywhere there are clothes. Go through everything and get rid of things you never wear. I went through and found things I hadn’t worn since high school still being toted around with me everywhere. I also managed to find some things I completely forgot I had, which is like getting new clothes! I saved the few things that are for more formal events, or more business wear, that even though I don’t wear very often, are still good to have on hand. 

Organize: After I cleaned everything out and had my things to get rid of, I organized everything into a place where I could see it. Formal and business wear wen to the back of the closet where I never look, and everything else was put front and center to see. I especially put the things I had forgotten about dead center so they would no longer be missed. Then, I went through and made a list of the essentials I needed new of, or simply just needed in general. Like I needed a new basic white t-shirt, and a new pair of basic blue jeans. Those will be my last purchases.

Outfit Creation: Like I said before, I like having new outfits and new ideas of things to put together. It’s the only way I can do any sort of visual art. So, what I have begun to do it make myself create new outfits with what I already have. Like maybe I only wear this shirt with black jeans and boots, but maybe it would be cool with light wash jeans and vans. Maybe adding some really bold makeup to spice things up. Switching up which purse you use, which jacket you pair it with, what jewelry you wear, can all help make a difference in what the entire ensemble looks like. Also, never hurts to Pinterest some ideas and keep a board going of all the things you can do with the clothes you already have. 

Thrifting: If for some reason while on your spending freeze, an occasion comes up that you have to shop for, go thrifting. This can be at your local thrift stores wherever you live, or this can be online thrifting at places like Poshmark and thredUP. These are online retailers where individuals can sell their own clothing to people via this platform, and I have found some great stuff on these sites for very little money. Again, the idea is not to spend at all, but if it is unavoidable for any reason, these cheaper options can help out a lot. 

I hope some of these tips end up helping other people out! I will keep you all posted as the months go on, and how I’m doing better (or not) with spending. It was one of my New Years resolutions to work on my financial life and this might be the first step.
