2019 Goals

Hey everyone! Welcome to the last blog post of 2018. I can’t believe this year is finally over (anyone else feel like this year drug on for like six years?) and only good things can come in 2019. With that said, it’s important to note that if you want this year to be better than last year, you can’t continue doing the same things. To have a better outcome, you have to change your habits. So, instead of setting New Year’s resolutions that I never follow through on, this year I thought I would set some goals I would like to accomplish in 2019. These are realistic goals and desires that I know can be accomplished if I just take the time to make them happen. Sometimes writing a list can help you organize your thoughts easier, and make them feel more attainable. I hope you enjoy, maybe it will spark some goals of your own!

Grow Blog Following- While I have a decent number of followers and readers each week, I would like to see the blog get more views. Part of this starts with posting more than once a week, as well as posting on social media more to get more interest flowing towards this platform. In January I would like to be able to post bi-weekly and will be doing more research on making this blog the best it can be.

Not my photo, found on Pinterest.

Not my photo, found on Pinterest.

Paid Post/Working with a Brand- I never set out to create this blog with the hopes of earning money, but the more research I do and the more I blog, I realize how many bloggers get paid and how much I really do enjoy creating content for this site. Why not make a little money while I’m at it? The first goal would be to get one of both of these: a paid post either through sponsorship or working with a brand, while also working with a brand (either for free or sponsorship). Money isn’t everything, but it would be nice to take this step.

Health- I have been pretty honest about my health issues and struggles, and the frustration that often comes along with it. I haven’t been able to work out the way I want to, and part of that is my own fault for not doing everything I can to make my health issues more controlled. So, in and effort to getting back into working out and getting healthier, I will also be working on conforming to dietary recommendations my doctors have given me. As well as working on taking more vitamins and supplements I know I should be taking.

Check out the full workout here

Check out the full workout here

Travel More- While I do not have the ability to travel to multiple countries, there is a lot of traveling I can do in my own backyard. I’m close to a lot and only an eight hour drive from a lot more. Traveling doesn’t have to mean a passport is required. The PNW and other surrounding areas are awesome as well.


Financial Responsibility- This is going to be the hardest of them all. While I am not super irresponsible when it comes to money, I could stand to be a little better. This means creating and sticking to a monthly budget, making money goes into my savings account every pay check, and staying on top of my bank statements every time I do spend money. I have a few big things coming up that need saving and planning, and being slightly more financially secure would be amazing. 

Click here to read the full article and for full tips!

Click here to read the full article and for full tips!

Straight A’s- I only have three terms (ten weeks each) left of college, and I haven’t had straight A’s since grade school. It wouldn’t be the end of the world if I didn’t get them, but it would be amazing if I could end my undergrad with a bang. This really will just mean better time management on my part, which is needed anyway. 

Found on Pinterest

Found on Pinterest

Enjoyment- Even though I have a lot of work ahead of me this year, the thing I regret the most this past year was that I spent far too much time stressed out and not enough time actually enjoying my life. This is everything from going out with friends to enjoying Netflix nights to myself. Life is short, and these are supposed to be the best years of my life, so why shouldn’t I enjoy it a little more? 


And last but not least…..

Get Outside More- I live in a really awesome place for being outdoors. And yet I spent most of my time this year inside either at work or doing school. Not every outside excursion has to be an all day hike or a long drive somewhere crazy. There are plenty of small hikes around me, as well as lots of parks where I can go and read or just take a walk. But staying inside and staring at screens 24/7 isn’t healthy for anyone. 


As we go through the year I will keep you posted on how each of these things are going, and I hope that sharing with this with all of you guys yet will be more accountability for me and make me stick to these goals a little better! I also hope this sparked some ideas within all of you of goals, big and small you want to accomplish this year. They can be personal goals, as well as business or academic. Anything at all you want to accomplish or change to make 2019 your best year yet!
