Summer is the Best Season: Heres Why

Happy Tuesday friends! Apologies for not posting yesterday. My video went up late and I didn’t want to overwhelm anyone with content. I am working to get back on schedule and have things done ahead of time for when I go out of town next week!

As much as I love fall and tend to say it is my favorite season, I think it really takes second place to all the wonderful things summer has to offer. I am a true Californian who loves the sun and the beach and if I could be warm and in the sun 24-7 I would be incredibly happy. Below I have listed a few reasons why summer is the absolute best!

Fashion- As much as I love good layers for fall, summer is even better in the sense that it takes a lot less effort to put together a whole outfit. You can toss on a sundress or a romper and have an entire outfit in one item of clothing! And since you are wearing a dress or romper people automatically assume that you put in way more effort than you did. It is also so easy to just toss on a denim or leather jacket, or a light sweater if you need something to keep you warm in the evening. It is incredibly easy to look amazing and look like you put in way more effort than you did. Plus, a bikini and a sunhat are considered high fashion in the summertime, and what is better than that?

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Lakes and water activities- There are so many things to do near the water during the summer, no matter what you like to do. You can do chill activities like laying on the beach or lakefront and reading, floating a river, paddleboarding, or a picnic! But you can do more adventurous activities and make things more exciting! You can kayak, go boating, water skiing or wakeboarding, tubing, or so many other really fun things. Being near the water is so soothing in so many ways and you can’t get the same feeling in the winter. Plus who doesn’t love a campfire?

No seasonal depression- This one won’t make sense to people who live in warm year-round climates, but those of us in most of the US know how hard it can be to live without the sun for months on end. Even if you have terrific mental health the rest of the year, endless months of grey and cold can really make you depressed simply because you are not getting enough vitamin D. In the summer, none of that is an issue and you can just live your life happy as can be!

Good excuse to relax- For the most part, all the other seasons are seen as times to get things done. No one really allows anyone to take breaks or relax at any other time of the year. Summer is the excuse for everyone in every job to use their vacation time, to take a half-day, or to get drinks after work and sit on a cute patio and relax. Since most people’s moods are better in the summer, they are more willing to go and do things on the weekends and during the week with friends. Plus, since there are rarely any weather concerns in summer, you can go out later than you normally would since you don’t have to account for extra cold or the fact that it gets dark at 4 pm.

Day drinking- Now this might be the recently graduated college kid in me talking, but there is nothing wrong with drinking during the day in summer. If you are at the lake or beach all day or if you are boating, bringing some drinks along and sipping on one all day is very refreshing. I’m not sure why it’s so fun, maybe because it is usually so taboo, but it really does just feel like something you shouldn't do but is fun anyway.

BBQs- This one is great because it’s an easy way to hang out with all your friends at once, and cost-effective. You provide the barbeque and the meat/meat alternative people are eating, and then make the rest a potluck! Covid was hard on most people financially so being able to do things like this that do not cost a lot is a great way to get to see people.

Patio parties- This one is similar to the one above in that you can do it potluck style and not have people spend too much money on it! But this can also be casual drinks outside, a covid safe way to have a party, and just a different way to enjoy the company of your friends!

I would like to add here that every state is in charge of its own Covid laws and how things are mean to be handled now that so many people are getting the vaccine. There is also a notion that Covid is over and the pandemic is done, but since to go to Hawaii and other countries you still need to be Covid tested and show proof of vaccination, it is still far from over. The crisis in India alone should prove that. So please do your part and do research, gather outside, get vaccinated, and wear a mask when still in large groups indoors. But enjoy your summer knowing things are better than they were last summer:)


Cover art by Avery Lynch