Poshmark Shopping Guide

I am currently having a unique issue; I am a fashion blogger and lover of fashion, but I have no money to buy new clothes to then write about and shoot said new clothes. Now, this isn’t exactly a new issue for me since I am a full-time college student and only have qualifications to work minimum wage jobs, have to pay bills, pay rent and buy food. So clothing is only allowed to be in my budget every so often. This has made me quite the savvy secondhand shopper and I am here today to do what I can to help all my other low budget fashionistas. 

Thrifting at an actual thrift store can be tricky. It depends on where you live to be able to find good quality things that are also in-expensive. The thrift shops in my current place of residence are pretty sad; you can hunt for hours and only find 1 thing that is kind of ok and maybe doesn’t even fit that well. HOWEVER! The internet is an amazing invention in case you haven’t heard, and there is online thrifting that can be used from the comfort of your bed. Plus you can narrow your search so that you are only seeing things you want to purchase. There are multiple apps you can use, but my favorite and the one I have had the best luck with is Poshmark. 

Poshmark is an online thrift store where users can buy and sell used fashion without ever having to leave the comfort fo their homes. Plus, it is always cost-effective. You can shop luxury by turning on the luxury filter, but also to shop within your price range no matter what that is. Below I have outlined some tips to help you online thrift shop as best you can! 

Set Up Your Profile- This part is just to your benefit. Set up your size guidelines for all different kinds of clothing so when you shop you are only seeing things that will fit you. Add in some brands you already know you love because then Poshmark will suggest other brands similar to those you already like. Creating a profile also allows you to save things you are thinking about buying, plus it saves your most recent searches and then suggests other things similar to those searches. So creating your profile is key to getting the most out of it that you can!

Shop With Purpose- While I have found some cool things on the site just by browsing, I have found that I am way more successful if I go there with a purpose. It can be easy to get lost in the portions of the site that you wish you could afford or buying things you don’t need when you just came to find a good pair of jeans. It can be like Target in that way. But if you show up with purpose, and don’t get distracted, then you can find some amazing things. 

Examine Photos Closely- Make sure you are looking at the photos the seller posted very carefully. If they say there is damage to the item, make sure you can see what it is in the photos to know if it’s worth it. Comment if you see the damage that they do not list, and find out if they are willing to work with you. Just make sure that the product the seller has described is what you see in the photo and if it isn’t, don’t be afraid to ask questions as to why that is. 

Check Seller Reviews- This is the most important one. I have always been pretty lucky with the people I have purchased from on Poshmark, but you never know unless you check. Go to their profile and look at how many stars they have and if they have any negative comments. Weed out the people who are just being grumpy, but pay attention to comments that mention the seller took forever to send things out, sent the wrong product, the product wasn’t as pictured, and things of that nature. Poshmark does get involved if anything crazy happens, but most deals are done via the seller and whoever purchased the item. 

Some of those may seem like obvious steps to take, but you would be surprised how a little extra attention can make all the difference in your purchases!

I know this was kind of a short post today, but this is my last week of college EVER!!!!! And there has been a lot to do. Stay tuned for another post this Friday!
