Job Loss During a Pandemic

I decided to have a break in my usual content to talk about all the big things and probably big feelings that are happening in the world right now. It is so easy to get overwhelmed and feel powerless (I am feeling all of these things) and things are getting pretty messy, but that isn’t a cause to let your anxiety get the best of you. So! Let’s chat about what’s going, and what you can do to try and feel better as we all work through this as best we can.

Yesterday, Oregon shut down all restaurants and has banned gatherings of more than 25 people. The university has gone completely online and most university-related programs have shut down for the time being. Many people are out of jobs, or those who were already unemployed (me) cannot get jobs. It looks very grim and very panic-inducing out there, but one thing that needs to be kept in mind with all of this is that it is all temporary. The more we all social distance and self-quarantine, the quicker things dissipate. Now, that is not to say that you can’t be mad or frustrated, or fearful. These are valid emotions. To be able to work through them, you have to feel them first and acknowledge that they are there. So if you have lost your job, here are a few quick tips to help you get through all of the closures.

  1. See if you qualify for unemployment. Not all states allow you to claim it if it is a temporary lay off, but it never hurts to check and see while you wait to get your job back.

  2. Check with your employer on the status of your job when the closures are over. Get it in writing either way so that you know if you should be looking for another job or if you just have to make it through all of the closures.

  3. Contact your landlord and let them know the situation and see if they are willing to work with you. Maybe they can post-pone rent payments, or help you set up a rental payment plan so you don’t have to pay all at once while unemployed. Also, contact all utility companies and see if they are willing to do the same thing. If they say no, at least you tried, and hopefully someone else said yes so costs are cut somewhere.

  4. Get rid of non-essential payments. You can survive off of non-premium Spotify while you are unemployed. It may not seem like a lot, but cutting these little costs can help. Cancel streaming services and go in on it with a friend for the time being. See what you can afford to be without for a little while and take the hit.

  5. Look for remote work or odd jobs. Does someone need help one day a week with their yard work? That doesn’t violate most self-quarantine regulations. Proofread essays online for a little while. Drive for Postmates or another delivery service for a little while since most restaurants are only doing take out and delivery. Seriously look for anything and everything to get you through these closures.

While it is important to stay optimistic during these anxious times, it is also ok to acknowledge the real problems so many of us are facing. While I condone supporting small and local businesses during the insanity if it is between that and being able to take care of yourself, take care of yourself first. You won’t be able to support them if you can’t pay rent. People have not lost your jobs: order take out, buy coffee from your local coffee shops, shop small, all that applies to you! If you are financially well off during this time then definitely support your local small businesses. Donate to food banks and free lunch programs. Offer to go grocery shopping for someone who can’t. At this time in all of our lives, we have to do what we can for one another.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help as these things keep happening. Tell the people around you when you are struggling and don’t be afraid to vent. Everyone is stressed, your friends need to vent too. Later this week I will post a more positive outlook on this whole situation with some tips for managing anxiety and things to do while you are social distancing. I just feel it is important to acknowledge the struggles people are facing and letting everyone feel what they need to during this insanity.

Stay tuned for later this week for a more fun, lighthearted, slightly sarcastic take on this whole global pandemic issue!


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