MMM Picks October

For this MMM Picks, I decided to do something a little different for this month! Since Halloween is right around the corner, and a lot of us probably forgot to actually plan costumes since Halloween is going to look a lot different this year. This month I decided to do a little last-minute Halloween costume roundup! Some you will need to get one of two things for, but most you should be able to create using what you have at your house already! Keep on scrolling to get some ideas!

Normally I would have tried to turn this into a photoshoot, but things have been a little insane over here! So we are going to settle for Pinterest photos accompanied by my ideas. I swear things are going to be a lot calmer soon and I will be back to posting three times a week!

Rosie the Riveter

This is so simple that most women have these in their closets. Grab a pair of jeans, a denim shirt, and boots and you are good to go! All you’ll need to purchase for this costume is some sign making materials, which you should be able to get at your local craft store for pretty cheap. And what better years to bring a little feminism to the world than 2020.

School Girl Brittany Spears

This one might be a little over done, but if you are stuck for a last minute costume, this is an easy one. You probably have some of these items in your closet, but want you don’t have you can get at Target for very little money, plus you will probably wear them again so its a costume that keeps on giving year round!

I know the photo quality is not great, but I just couldn’t pass up this one. This could be a unisex costume, and the only thing you might need to get for this costume is the cane and long red coat. Again, you could find these things pretty easily and pretty cheap, so another good option you could utilize.

Raining Men

Another great unisex one that you can make whatever you want! All you need for this one is an umbrella and printer! This one could also easily be turned into raining cats and dogs as well with just a quick photo swap. Simple, easy, and pretty funny!


This is such an easy one! All you need is a color t-shirt, some white fabric paint, and boom! You are an M&M! This is also a great last-minute group costume because as long as you have a bunch of different colored t-shirt, you can have as many M&M’s. Plus if you live in a chilly environment you can just add some leggings to make it a little warmer.

Serial Killer

Another easy one for anyone to do! Maybe do not use a real knife as pictured here, but a plastic knife or prop knife would do just as well. Super easy, very inexpensive, and pretty cheeky. Highly recommend.

Mean Girls

Last one for this post, and honestly so many outfits from Mean Girls would work, is this flawless masterpiece. So easy, so cheap, and so fun. It is a perfect pop culture costume and so many people will get a kick out of it!

I hope some of these ideas helped, or triggered another idea for a last minute Halloween costume! Please remember to have fun but to stay safe; no drinking and driving but also please be aware of Covid! Bars, massive parties, and anything with people you aren’t around all the time is very dangerous and could result in so many health for so many people. Be smart. Wear a mask.
