Hometown Revisited

Welcome back to another post! I was traveling this Wednesday and didn’t have time to get everything put together before hand, but here we are! Only a couple days late.

This past week has been Spring Break, and so I took advantage of the time off to go and visit my boyfriend who is currently living in our hometown. It has always been a weird thing to me to pick a hometown since I lived until I was nine in California and then until I was eighteen in Sandpoint, Idaho. But, since I made my closest friends in Idaho, and attended more school there, it often feels like my true hometown (even though I am a California girl at heart, so who really knows).

While back in Sandpoint, we visited some of our favorite restaurants, some favorite lake front views, and of course took his dog out for an adventure. Keep scrolling for my three day trip back to my hometown!

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This first spot is actually a place that Kevin used to visit in high school all the time. Him and his friends dubbed it “Kings Chair” mainly becasue when you’re sitting up there looking at everything, you truly feel like the king of the world. It’s up and over slightly from the main portion of downtown, while also out of the way and hidden enough that tourists can’t find it. Even though Sandpoint is small, the ski resort and the lake are huge tourist draws that often leave the town over run with people who leave no room for the locals.

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Ah, Schweitzer Mountain. The favorite place of most who live here and the main draw of the tourist movement every winter. It is amazing even in the summer time and this weird time I took these photos; half spring, half winter, where some things have come back to life but the rest is still kind of dead. Part of the reason Schweitzer has such a draw is that from most of the runs, you can see this view, or a similar view. The lake and part of the town is visible from the top and from other portions of the mountain.

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This is a portion of what is known as City Beach, called Dog Beach. Its the only part of the beach that dogs are allowed on (as I’m sure you could guess) and so we took the opportunity of decent weather to go on a little adventure with Kevin’s dog, Odin. We went out to the beach and threw sticks, took some photos, and just enjoyed some time together. Even though the sky was kind of cloudy and weird, the view of the lake was still gorgeous and completely nostalgic.

It felt nostalgic and weird to be home, but fun and amazing to be revisit this place with this new and wonderful person in my life. What a great spring break and visit home! I couldn’t have asked for a better vacation.
