Bits and Pieces

Hello everyone and welcome back! I am very sorry for not posting the past couple weeks, but things have been insane, and rest and mental health have to come before the blog.

So, on that same topic, I think it’s time to talk about something that has become a trend lately. And it is this whole idea that we need to be our most real and authentic selves on social media and yell about all of our issues as loud as you can.

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As much I think that we need to be as authentic as we can, I also think it’s important to make sure you are taking care of your mental health and only sharing things that benefit you. If you want to share your whole life on social media and let all your struggles run free, more power to you. But if you feel like that is too much, there is no reason to feel bad or less brave than anyone else for not sharing.

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As I try to make my blog and Instagram presence something I can make money from and make content for on a regular basis, more and more people keep telling me to be my most authentic self and to share as much as I can. But since I don’t think people need to know everything, I have decided to share some bits and pieces.

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We have entered midterms here at the University of Oregon, and I am stressed beyond belief. Once this school year ends, I have one term left and then I graduate undergrad after all these years. Even though this is amazing, it is also completely terrifying. I am doing my best to prep for the “real world” but there is only so much prep one can do.

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My health has been a little weird lately, and I have had more pain days then good days lately, and it can be very discouraging. As much as I always try to stay positive, there are days when it feels very defeating to have to deal with pain everyday.

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I have been dealing with a break up, and the repercussions from that and all the complications that go with that.

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If you look at my social media you would see vibrant photos of adventures I have been on recently. You would see my same sarcastic and quippy comments on Twitter and my same complaints about school. And none of this is to say that I hate my life or I am lying about anything. Life is over all great. Things haven’t been this good in years! But it is important to remember that mixed in among the good, and that no one owes you their story, no matter how much you may crave that authenticity.


Shop this look:

Dress- Dressed in LaLa

Sandals- DSW, similar here

Jacket- Urban Outfitters