Staycation: Oregon Waterfalls

Over the long weekend, I had the privilege of getting to take a little staycation only a couple hours from home. About two hours south of Eugene, Oregon off of Highway 138, there are approximately five different waterfalls for you to go explore. They were the perfect little hikes to get me back out and active after being sick and after a long winter. The two we went to visit were easy hikes with places to park and short hikes anyone could do. 

As much as I wish I could travel and post about my adventures in Europe or Bali, school and work dictate that for the time being, I vacation near home. Which is never a bad thing! Please enjoy this short post and hopefully it gives you fellow Oregonians an idea of something to do when you are bored!

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This was the first waterfall we went to and also the first one you would find in the string of five. This is Toketee and one of the more visited waterfalls in this area. 

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Along the way there are many little covered bridges and other beautiful scenery that is wonderful to look at and make the hikes worth it even if there were no waterfalls at the end of them. 

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The rest of the waterfalls are about a 15 minute drive from Toketee. The next one you will come to (and the biggest one) is Watson. This is the large, roaring, steep drop you would normally think of when recalling what a waterfall looks like. You can see just how big below!

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The lush green colors look like they are straight out of a Lord of the Rings movie and definitely give you a feeling of being somewhere other-worldly. 

Oregon often feels like a fairytale and its easy to get caught up in school and work and forget to go out and visit the beauty around us. I encourage you to go out wherever you live and do some exploring! Going on a twenty minute hike or a day hike is a free way to get a mini vacation and good way to clear your head from the stresses of life. 


TravelMadey Lynch