The Necessity of Fun

Fashion is one of my favorite things this world has to offer. I personally view it as art that can be worn and it is the best way possible for me and many others to express ourselves and who we feel like being that day. One thing that the fashion industry does tend to get wrong, however, is that it takes itself too seriously. 

It is a multi billion dollar industry, which does require some level of seriousness, but at the end of the day, people end up in fashion because once upon a time it was fun for them. This photo shoot was all about going back to having fun with fashion. And having fun in clothes. Not everything has to be taken so seriously all the time!  

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Even if you love what you do, its hard to not get stuck in the monotonous way of things and its always good to switch things up. So why not pair a fashion shoot with a playground?

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Don't be afraid to mix things up! Life is very exciting, don't forget to go out and live it!


FashionMadey Lynch